Meet UJAT, the first fully autonomous medical robot assistant you can hire. The future is here, and now Robots can work to take on the simpler redundant tasks. Autonomous intelligent Robots will free up time for your highly skilled human providers to do the really important work at your facilities. UJAT Robots may lack arms and legs, but not for long.

Once upon a time in a not so distant galaxy

Just a decade ago it seemed impossible that robots could take on important tasks. Nevertheless, Robotic and Artificial Technology innovations continue changing the face of healthcare and the skill profile of its care providers. understands these changes and the need to quickly evolve and adapt to the needs of not only the patients and institutions but also the nurses and professionals who care for them.

That future is today

Ujatcare Staffing  Solutions is the only staffing and recruitment company in America able to provide UJAT as a full or part time robot staffing solution. Now hospitals, large clinics, assisted living facilities and private homes can now afford a robotic assistant for as little as $5.00 an hour. Staffing Robots in healthcare facilities is here now and its affordable.

How smart is UJAT? Well as smart and educated as any human being and it will improve the quality and speed of services to your patients.

Will hiring UJAT the robot replace your current staff?

No, the UJAT robot is there to support your skilled professions so they can dedicate their valuable time while UJAT takes on low grade but important tasks. UJAT is a robotic-worker designed to provide important support services to existing staff, patients and their families within and outside of a hospital environment.

And UJAT can even help with your onsite talent recruiting or get you a a double espresso latte with oat milk.

If your company is ready to act on the future today, then contact us and we will let UJAT explain it in person.

 The benefits of using UJAT robots

Imagine having a multitalented someone always there to help 24/7

24/7 Solution

UJAT robot worker exist only to help your staff and your patients . And the UJAT won’t stop unless you ask. 

Smartest Solution

UJAT is a robot equipped with the latest technology and constantly evolving in ways to help humans.

Human Technology

Our Trained Staff works with UJAT robots to help your team provide the best quality of service and results.

Smart Assessment

 UJAT robot-recruiters or UJAT Robot nurses aid or patient companions can monitor, interact, evaluate, and take action.

Get Started

The Future is Today, Why Wait?

Contact one of our Robot Staffing Solution Specialists and be impressed

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The future of staffing

Meet the first Robo-recruiter

By pairing the latest technology with a highly-trained operator we offer you the opportunity to bring the future closer and leap over your competitors using the smartest tools.

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